Love or Something Divine...

Love...or something greater than love...but it exists...

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Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

The best gift from the God to us is "Feelings". Every living being on this planet is having a Heart and five senses for feeling! And By the means of this Blog, I would like to express my feelings and share my experiences.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

D for Dedication and D for Divine (Feeling)

I lost the spirit in me, to write anymore. I stopped feeling like writing anymore. I wasn't negative, as I have been telling you that under the captivity of "Special Feeling", no one feels negative. It’s just that I was no more interested in writing.

But... On a beautiful evening, it was drizzling, and I was sitting in a restaurant with Irfan and Vineet. We were simply hungry to pay attention to the music playing in the restaurant. As soon as the first bite of the food affected my digestion system, and switched off the "You are hungry" alarm inside me, I listened to the song that was playing. And I tried to pay attention to the lyrics because the music was new to me. The next bite of the food was in my hand and I couldn't take it in because the lyrics have reached my mind and heart; and my soul had already relished the lyrics. That was a Hindi song from a latest movie. There is nothing great about the song... it just hit the target i.e. my mind, heart and soul. In the song, the lyricist conveys that he has become a SUFI in love and that he never wants his loved one, the special one, to leave him ever for someone else. Nothing great. "SUFI" word and its usage was the most attractive part of the whole song. It made me think about SUFISM. It switched on a new alarm in my system "You are hungry... for knowledge... for feelings, emotions, sentiments... for objectives and methods and ways to achieve or at least try to achieve them!".

SUFISM... is not a religion... any artist, as people say, but as per me, anyone who is dedicated to an objective, and is lost in his deeds towards achieving that objective is called a SUFI or a follower of SUFISM. Objectives differ from people to people, like most Sufis are dedicated to GOD. 100% dedication is nothing. Trust me; every human has the ability to give the 100% shot. A Sufism follower gives more than that, and that’s why he is lost... rather happily lost in his tasks. A man who is Sufi, is lost in his thoughts and in whatever he preaches, in such a manner, that he is not at all bothered about the percentage score of his "Lost"ness or madness (according to some people). He is not psychopathically vain, its just that he enjoys his work... to the fullest... and that’s what we should do to achieve the target, we set in our lives. Generally, people say, we must enjoy the participation rather than the outcome of our deeds. Sufism teaches us this concept. It’s just a philosophy and practice and definitely not a religion.

As per different mythologies, for supporting my argument, I would like to quote example or Meera who was dedicated to Krishna, she was lost in love of Krishna, she was like a SUFI, she used to preach Krishna because she used to see the almighty in him. King Shah-e-Jahan is said to be the builder of world's most romantic monument, Taj Mahal... and the history says, that he built the lovely marble monument in loving memory of his beloved wife Mumtazmahal. There are various other stories that prove that one can be dedicated to anything or anyone. This simply illustrates SUFISM and proves that Sufism is not a religion, but it is a FEELING... a feeling of dedication, a feeling that soothes your mind and solves the puzzles in your mind, a feeling that touches hearts, a feeling that connects soul to soul, soul to heavenly creatures or vice-versa.

And Again, advertising my "Special Feeling", I would say that, becoming a Sufi in love, is the "Special Feeling" I have been boasting about in my previous post. And here is another post about this feeling. May be, that’s why I liked the song. May be, I was astonished; to find someone who thinks like me... may be, there is someone who has experienced the same feeling. I was happy to know this. This song and the thought definitely, Ignited a fire in my mind, and not heart, to write again. It supported my spirit to share some more experience. My thoughts might have not helped me directly... I am sure; I had some secret affects... I thought, these thoughts might help you, in gaining confidence and motivation at least.

A man sets certain RULES for himself to accomplish his OBJECTIVE(s) in life. If he breaks these rules, as people say, "Rules are meant to be broken", he is definitely in LOVE. But, if a man breaks these rules, and creates new rules (and walls) to achieve the target, which are better than the previous rules, at least according to him (that’s what really matters), then, I must admit, that man is being arrested by my favorite, "SPECIAL FEELING". This is "Theory of Adaptation" according to me. I am not Darwin and I am not talking about the "Survival of the Fittest". Everyone is fit in this world for any objective, but, it needs better adaptation and understanding to be the FITTEST. In short, we need to change some of our attributes, not all (else we won't be ourselves), on the way to the DESTINATION. In order to seek self development and improvement, we must be open-minded, we must open ourselves to changes, we must open our arms for risks as well.

Not every person with the Special Feeling is a SUFI. But every SUFI possesses that Special Feeling. In fact, everyone on this planet has that Special Feeling hidden inside him/her... somewhere... within the soul, beneath those lovely pair of pearls like eyes, somewhere down the road from that rose-petals-gate like lips, somewhere in the cherry fields of heart... somewhere in the sand dunes of brain... somewhere in the waves that travel... continuously... to and fro... waves that touch the sandy shore and leave it to alone for a fraction of second, to touch other shore which has cherry fields, or to touch another shore that has rose-petals-gate, or to touch the shore with pearls. Every single soul, here, definitely possesses that very warm and special feeling; it’s just a matter of action, wave propagation... and co-ordination among the organs...

Warning: It is not necessary that you achieve the desired result on the action.

Yes, sometimes... errr... Generally, your desired outcome never gets chance to be a "Fulfilled Dream" and remains in "Desire(s)" state only, especially when you are dealing with emotions, feelings, sentiments and connections. As a famous Indian Poet quotes that People around us, like and love to hear, stories of love and connections but... when you get practical about such feelings, all you find, around yourself, is CHAOS, Panic, and Havoc instead of what you dreamt of. Trust me, when you have that special feeling as mine, you won't care about chaos or any other reaction, may be because you are lost in your feelings, you feel fearless to express, you feel free to feel such an amazing feeling, may be because you have become a SUFI. So, the result of your action, might not be as you desired, but, you will be on cloud 9, just because you acted, you will be proud of yourself... because acting upon your dreams and desires isn't as easy as it seems while speaking or writing. You will be happy with Contentment. You will feel Successful even if your result isn't as expected, just because you had those feelings... just because you were lost in your feelings and you were dedicated. Sufis are always happy whether the outcome of their dedication is GOD or not, just because they are lost and dedicated... moreover they don't find time to think about the outcomes, results, outputs... in fact, they don't even calculate their efforts and inputs... that’s the quality of dedication. Moreover, you will always come across Peeping Toms in your life, especially when you deal with your personal life and emotions and sentiments. Don’t worry about them. And most importantly, don’t avoid them… but that doesn’t mean one should invite them in one’s personal life. Actually, these Peeping Toms have a better mind and mouth than their eyes, so, they are the creator of hurdles in your life. One should learn the importance of hurdles in his/her life… hurdles test you… they are an important pre-requisite for your “Perfect”ization… it’s like, if you are a software, these hurdles are the test programs and bugs… they allow you to learn new concepts of life and how to deal with them. So, one shouldn’t actually worry about Peeping Toms… let them do what they can, it might be for your good, it’s better if you dedicate yourself for your objectives or feelings. One has to be dedicated for his/her feelings like this, if the so-called feelings are true... true to the depth of the heart (as they usually say)... one has to be dedicated... like water, earth, air, fire, soul are to humans... like the planets are towards our solar system and sun... like gravitational force… like trees to soil, like leaves to trees, like rivers to mountains… Focused... like a child bird, which is ready for its first flight... like a honey bee wandering over a sweet flower...

... And lots more... many qualities... this concept seems to be hypothetical. This may seem to be madness to some. But there is a difference between madness and this level of dedication. There is a difference between people who are self obsessed and people who are possessive, between people who feel and people who actually do what they feel. There is a slight difference between the lovely Love and The uncommon (not rare) Special Feeling. There is difference between Feeling differently for something or someone and Vanity. I am not going to talk about these differences… Because… Those who are able to find these differences, have won the half of the battle (Though "winning" and "the battle" don't matter here, I am just using these words, to make it simpler, to understand).

If you can Taste the drops of the rains, listen to the whispers of the winds... if you like the rhyme of the chirping birds, watch a movie in the twinkling of stars, it doesn't imply that you are having that special feeling. It simply implies that you are developing a special feeling. Words, feelings and emotions don't control you... but... You control them, they just bind you into one single soul - "Yourself" - the true you, the actual you. You don't lose your identity. You don't break your own rules. You don't stop chasing your dreams and goals (though you feel that the path gets easier). Nothing, actually, brings changes to you. You gain consciousness. People around you, might notice certain changes (as they say), but, these developments are changes according to them only, for you, they are like advancements, you have moved a level that is above you current level... these are not changes, you can call them Symptoms of the Special Feeling... that don't cause harm to you, that don't produce any negative results... they are just to improve you, they just bring out the "Real You" that has been actually hiding inside you... because of some fear, lack of confidence or the absence of guts to face the world. This Feeling is like a launch pad for you which launches you in the open sky - to be free, to fly freely, to be fearless, full of emotions, confident... to be a Human who is a unique combination of Mind, Body and Soul - all three of them in active stage. You are like a wall for The Real You and these symptoms are like hammers that break the wall (for the good) so that YOU can escape, so that you can achieve freedom - freedom from past memories, bad or good experiences, freedom from a particular mindset, opinions... to face new challenges and barriers, to seek new choices, to set new goals and to achieve them. I believe every one of us has many choices... it’s just a matter of perception and the way we look around... we may find many choices (not 100% of them), and if we have many options, then we can clearly choose the best one of them that suits us, that suits every condition we set for ourselves. It is generally thought that, Lesser the options, Better is the probability to choose the Best of the options, but as per me, it brings nothing but Negativity... The more you are open to the world, the more options you find around, which checks your ability to choose, which actually tests you on the scale of life, and you get to practice more, you get efficient and perfect.

It was more of a philosophy… I thought of sharing my experiences about the feeling, but the feeling made me write all this. All I want is more of positivity in your mind. All I want is Peace of your mind... my mind… so that no Dilemma/Darkness can ever think of popping up in the minds, all across the Globe, when the Sunshine of this my-over-hyped Special Feeling falls on the hearts, minds and souls. All I want is that no Sunflower should wait for the Sunrise… no Peacock should wait for the Rains… no River should wait for the Glaciers to melt down… Though “Just-like-that” theory doesn’t work all the time…. Though Murphy’s laws are almost true every time… Though “Hoping” is not the only option in life… “Forgetting PAST and Moving Ahead” seems to be the most common and most suggested option… you know, I know the truth… which lies deep beneath ourselves… hidden in a corner… All I can do is suggest you to keep aside the obsolete opinions, the dogmas, forget about the turmoil… because we know diversion is not the best choice. Work upon the hidden truth, we must dedicate ourselves life Sufi Saints on that hidden truth if already discovered, else, we should dedicate ourselves in searching for that flash of light… that will guide us out of the that dark tunnel in which we are living or in which we are trapped. Good Luck for the actual Treasure Hunt! (I would like to end it with a beautiful song’s lyrics…)

In my search for freedom
and peace of mind
I've left the memories behind
Wanna start a new life
but it seems to be rather absurd
when I know the truth
is that I always think of you

Someday someway
together we will be baby

I will take and you will take your time
We'll wait for our fate
cos' nobody owns us baby

We can shake we can shake the rock

Try to throw the picture out of my mind
try to leave the memories behind
Here by the ocean
wave's carry voices from you
Do you know the truth
I am thinking of you too

Someday someway
together we will be baby...

The love
we had together
just fades away in time
And now you've got your own world
and I guess I've got mine
But the passion
that you planted
in the middle of my heart
is a p
assion that will never stop


Blogger jes D said...

brother the thought is fresh n heavy at the same time ...but i agree to the base line.
.....and there is definitely something more than just the song which made u write all this.

lov DJ

12:09 PM  
Blogger Sameer Jain said...

Thanks bhai for reading...
Yeah! True! There are many more things and people that can make us write like this and actually experience like this! Thats why life exists only on Earth!
Thanks again for agreeing with my opinion. Good luck!

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Juhi here..gud 1..nice new thot well writtn bt a bit long..really liked the way you wrote bout SUFISM..although the title could have been smthng fav lines : All I want is that no Sunflower should wait for the Sunrise… no Peacock should wait for the Rains… no River should wait for the Glaciers to melt down…

10:16 AM  
Blogger Sneha said...

hey gr8 piece !!
never thot soo much to spring in ur mind from one song!!
a bitt long..could've been short..but whoz complaining!! i njoyed reading it...

3:15 AM  
Blogger Sameer Jain said...

thanks sneha...
happens with me a lot of times when i write, i don't realize the length of what i write... so sorry if it was boring... actually philosophy is meant to be a bit boring!
thanks anyway for reading!

4:11 AM  

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