Love or Something Divine...

Love...or something greater than love...but it exists...

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Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

The best gift from the God to us is "Feelings". Every living being on this planet is having a Heart and five senses for feeling! And By the means of this Blog, I would like to express my feelings and share my experiences.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


This one is dedicated to my Special feeling and a very close friend. Thanks both of you for inspiring me to write this one. Thanks Anshu bhaiya for sharing this lovely photograph which is actually the picture-summary. So, here it goes... after a long time...

World can’t be ending so soon… when I have a lot to face, a lot to experience and a lot to Express…
When the Sepoy of genuine feelings is yet to win over the Queen of Love, in the Life’s game of Chess.

The Sunflowers in my somber heart are eagerly waiting for the Dawn, a ray of hope – the Sunshine,
My soul is a Desert-wanderer, searching for Oasis, pinched by the heat, the cactus and the life’s twine.

How will you learn that in your life, I am at least equivalent to the nucleus of a small molecule?
How do I describe, how my soul relinquishes itself to your control, your captivity and your rule?

How do I accentuate that Red Ice-cubes and Icebergs keep floating, in the oceans of my veins?
Like me, will you Ever, obliviously enjoy, cherish and feel those Fire-Extinguishing Rains?

How do I Describe my Condition? How do I Justify my Fidelity? How do I Testify my Feelings?
… When my Love is unfathomable and I have No count of the nights, I spent gazing the Ceilings!

When will you Fly, like me, innocently, freely, to enjoy the breeze?
When can my Heart attain the freedom, the peace, and the ease?

Will my heart, hear the lull of the falling waters? Will my soul, feel the cold touch of the snow?
I am neither Philandering nor I am Lecherous; my heart is quiet, soul is pure, I want you to know!

When will your frown vanish? When will your beautiful eyes, smile for me?
When will the Drop of my pure feelings, be accepted by the Love’s Sea?

When will the rose buds like lips sing the Nightingale’s tone for me?
Will I ever be blessed by the cold and relaxing shadow of this tree?

Is the cottony snow cap on the rock-solid mountain, ever going to melt?
Will there be any stream of light, in the dark Cave of my life, where I dwelt?

Why can't you be the perceived meaning, of the unembellished painting of this Dreary Sage?
If still you can't, then Who will paint the corroded walls of my soul's Dilapidated Cottage?

The walls of my palatial soul, will never weaken, the roots of my Heart’s tree, will never die…
… With Love and Feelings for you, my life is red like roses, green like fresh leaves, blue like sky.

Purity of Glaciers, Softness of Cotton and the Love of the Earth, my Heart possesses…
No other Desires, only Connection with your heart, it wants and chases!

My Sufferings, my Stupor, my despondency, cannot be cured by herbs, medicines and balms…
The abyss in my heart, mind and soul, can only be poured with the sand from your palms!

There is no coercion, there are no boundaries, there is no fear, for a free flying Dove…
I am just seeking answers to these questions and expressing, my mundane but Rapturous Love…

This world might not, but, will you, Ever understand, my hush and surreptitious, notion and feeling?