Love or Something Divine...

Love...or something greater than love...but it exists...

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Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

The best gift from the God to us is "Feelings". Every living being on this planet is having a Heart and five senses for feeling! And By the means of this Blog, I would like to express my feelings and share my experiences.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Confessions of a Divine Feeling

First Time... First time I feel Touched, I can feel things, I can touch Raindrops, Flowers, Snow, wind passing through me... First time I feel that I am heard, I feel I can sing, I can speak without taking a single pause...First time I feel that I can hear, I can listen to chirping birds, to the wind-chimes, to the jingling bells, I can hear water-splash, lovely sound produced by a waterfall, river flowing down the hill, raindrops, seagulls... First time I can taste the sweetness of life and that its not bitter at all... First time I feel that the world is not black or cloud of darkness as I can see the motivating sunrise, beautiful and calming sunset, birds flying, mountains, snow-peaks, living beings, roses, water bodies, lonely sky and oceans guarding us, surrounding us from every possible side, I can see the lovely night, the moon, the stars that inspire us to reach the Destination, I can see the hidden colors in the sunshine...First time I feel everything has got a fragrance as I can smell flowers, fragrance produced when raindrops hug the mother earth, I can smell fruits, the breeze - the tranquilizer for our fussy minds. Is this implying to you that all my senses are working properly? Yes! They are indeed engaged efficiently in their respective jobs. I guess You have got the message I was trying to convey.

If you actually think so, I would suggest, rather insist you to read again from the starting.

All your senses - the valuable and priceless gifts, gifted by god, work efficiently only when you are handcuffed by an unknown, undefined but very special, valuable and priceless feeling. If you think, its nothing but Love, then, you have misunderstood my feelings. This feeling is way above from Love, actually undefined. Under its captivity, you don't feel petrified, numb, motionless, its not that your mind stops working, its not that you listen to just your heartbeats, its not that your daily desires approach the dead end like you don't feel hungry, you don't feel like talking, going out, you think about death and life and blah blah...its not that you feel the loved one around you every moment. That's why I said this special, rather very special feeling, is greater than Love. Again, stressing, its actually undefined. I must say, not only your five senses work efficiently, but, your 6th sense, 7th sense... and nth sense also work efficiently (and the range of "n" varies from person to person). To clear the doubt that is knocking your mind continuously at this moment, I would like to add that this feeling isn't a Godly feeling or an over hyped thought, its very common... its just that a very few people on this homely earth realise about this feeling, while others give up at a lower level called - Love or at a very low level called - Lust. If I am under the captivity of such a lovely feeling, I must admit that I ain't calling myself great and I didn't mean that people in love are at a lower level as compared to me. This feeling is nothing but (heavenly) advanced version of love in common man's lingo. Let us move apart from greatness of feelings and comparing and trying to define the feelings. Lets talk about the very special feeling I have been talking or boasting (for some of you) about.

I have been emphasizing on this word - "special", while describing my feelings because, for the very first time, in my life, I have faced this feeling 1:1. And, that is the only reason why my "n" senses have started working properly. I feel purged, as pure as a glacier, as pure as fresh snow covering the ground after a recent snowfall... as fresh as morning dew, as fresh as steam, as fresh as first rains... as new as a new bud or leaf, as new as a sapling... as renewed as sun rising every morning, as renewed as a sunflower... as refreshing as sunshine in winters, as refreshing as water droplets showered by the almighty after we have faced the blazing summers, as refreshing as a small glance at land after sailing for days and months in the ocean waters... as motivated as a soldier feels when he salutes his mother country's flag, as motivated as a flower which is smiling, standing on the ground under the scorching sun, waiting for rains and watching clouds movements... as confident as a baby bird trying to fly for the first time... as strong as roots of a huge tree that has been shadowing living beings for years... as soft as snow, as soft as cotton, as soft as jelly, as soft as the moist sand which gets wet when new waves strike the shore... as fragile as flower petals... as smooth as a handful of sand of a sand-dune... as stable as mountains... as calm as nights and always smiling like moons and stars... as cold as sea breeze striking cheeks if you stand by sea-facing window... truly inexplicable. Even if I take Words, adjectives and phrases from every dictionary and grammar book, I would fell short of words to describe this sacred feeling.

I have stopped caring about people, but I have started caring for people. I am always smiling...without a reason, at my mistakes, at other's mistakes. Negative words like anger, frustration, irritation, numbness have actually vanished from my book of life. Thought processes have increased in my mind. Not only the mind utilization, but heart utilization has exceeded 100%. Observation power has crossed limits. Unwanted or Unnecessary people and things always seem to be blur no matter how close they are to my eye-sight... but the people and things I dream about or care about are visible clearly even without glasses even if they are on the boundary of the proximity of my eye-sight. I don't feel like watching other birds in the sky anymore (Again, smile plus wink for bird-watching)... I have started finding good in anything and everything... I have become a quick and efficient learner... I can feel positivity, energy, enthusiasm, motivation, inspiration, confidence (not over confidence) rolling in my mind... concentration level hasn't seen any depreciation, instead, the concentration-level-meter is touching the maximum mark. Sorrows have fumed out of my life like burning fuel. Optimism is now a part of my every chromosome, every drop of blood, every ounce of my body weight, every milligram of air I inhale. Purity seems to be flowing across every part of my body with haemoglobin. Kindness, innocence are now into my traits. I feel I have become harmless to myself or to anyone else. This special feeling not only gives me motivation, inspiration... it also criticizes when I am on a wrong path and guides me to success. I have found a guide, a friend, a partner in the feeling in me. Imaginations are always around me but never let me gain over-confidence. I feel a blanket around me, always protecting me. Keep-trying-always-nature has become the only objective of my every action. I can hear a calming song and music in chirping of bird... I can hear wind whispering in my ears... I can touch the sunshine and feel its friendliness... I can feel and rely on the promises made by the moon and stars. I can see the breeze and its colors. I can hear the unspoken words. I have discovered the 8th continent, the 5th ocean on the Earth, the 10th planet of our solar system. I have met people who are not residents of the Earth. That's why I say your "n" senses work, when you are having these "special" feelings.

I don't know how and why I got this special feeling... or any other reason... and I am not even interested in discovering any such information... may be this is an indication by some superficial entity or some supernatural phenomenon whose understanding is out of scope for human race... whatever it is, it is "Eternal Bliss". I have learnt the meaning, the purpose, the motive of the life. Someone special and her thoughts have brought the positivity and prosperity in my life, and have made every fraction of my body, thinking and action, very pure and sacred. I can taste, I can cherish every moment of happiness, no matter if such moments are thousands, millions, billions, zillions or may be countless. The reel of my happy life keeps playing in front of my eyes. I am purged. I am touched. I feel loved. I feel blanket of care around my shoulders. I can feel affection around me. I neither desire of heaven nor eternity... World might not understand my so called special feelings or agree with my very strange but real thoughts. But... Thanks to "Who-Cares-Attitude"... I would never Give up! No worries if she is like a wave in the sea of this world, and I am a shore... wave touches the shore and leaves it alone... No worries if she is like a growing child, playing around a tree and leaving it alone when the child turns into an adult... As romantic stories, songs say, "I will grow the flowers on rocks or infertile land", "I will leave no stone unturned."... Nothing like that with me. Still, I would Never give up, I would never leave this third world - may be for her, because I care for her and I have these very special feelings for her or may be for my self. I have found peace, prosperity, purity (you can say 3 P's), happiness, and the best one - Contentment from this Pure and sacred feeling. I admit that I have these "Special Feelings" for her (may be because She is Special... And if she doesn't feel so, I will help her realizing the truth...I will be the illuminating candle which burns itself just to ensure that we are not under captivity of the darkness). The third world, might seem to be an imaginary world created by me, might seem funny, over hyped thought (mentioning again), something unreal, something that can never exist, But...for me its exactly opposite. I am still sane. And I think at least some of you might have given a thought to my thinking, some of you might have started agreeing with me, some of you might favor my feelings...Being optimistic, some of you might have discovered or created their third world by now. Wish you good luck and Happy living in the lovely world of 3 P's, eternal bliss and the rarest of all, that "SPECIAL FEELING" which is valuable and priceless and MAY BE undefined or... May be Defined.

DISCLAIMER : All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. This work is an output of imagination. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintentional.